Nobody wants emails that aren't helpful, useful or are just full of ads. We provide people, organizations and companies the opportunity to pool their skills, knowledge and resources to create engaging, informative and balanced updates, that people like you and me, look forward to and want to read.
As a small passionate team with varied interests and talents, we do our bit to try to connect the right people together (we've all got bills to pay right?). We make sure "the balance" is maintained. We want to be up-front, some emails may contain marketing but some topics won't. If we get it wrong you have your power ...
We all have expectations. If what we send helps you, informs you or entertains you, you'll let us keep sending you emails. If you decide you want us to stop, click the button in every email we send to manage your preferences. Your data and rights are protected by privacy regulations which we stick to.
Way back in 2005 Mutual Advantage Ltd was formed. It's aim to help business owners benefit from the internet. Back then we did website design and offered marketing services.
Fed up with poor support and servers not working as expected, we decided to be self-sufficient. We bought our own servers so we and our clients could benefit high quality, well supported, stable hosting. We've never looked back & our clients are happy.
Our clients wanted us to do more and give them more time, so we did. Everything that a client needed to run successful ecommerce sites, marketing and promotions we delivered. From one-off projects to monthly management, all it takes is a call to get started.
After 5 years of development we launched our Email Marketing Software as a stand-alone package with full service options to save time for busy business people. Exceptional delivery rates from our own servers and high quality content means a winning combination for readers and senders.
Chief Cook & Bottle Washer
Miss Efficiency
Gets stuff done
There are lots of other people who contribute content and help make this possible. We're always interested in improving what we do, so feel free to get in touch if you want, or can, help.